Changing currency and punctuation settings

You can change international settings for currency and punctuation from within Quattro Pro. You can also change date, and time formats in individual cells. In addition, you can convert LICS characters.

To change the currency symbol

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing currency and punctuation settings
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Settings.
Click International.
Enable the Currency option.
Enable the Quattro Pro option, and click the country whose currency symbol you want to use.
Enable one of the following options:
Signed — precedes negative values with a minus sign
Parens — encloses negative values in parentheses

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Changing currency and punctuation settings

When you change the currency symbol, it becomes the default currency. To show multiple currencies in one notebook, change the currency of individual cells with Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Selection properties Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Numeric format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Currency. This lets you use multiple currencies in one notebook.
Quattro Pro has added the Euro to the available currency formats. You can view the Euro currency symbol if you are using Microsoft Windows 98 or if your system has a Euro compliant font installed.

To change punctuation settings

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing currency and punctuation settings
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Settings.
Click International.
Enable the Punctuation option.
Select a punctuation option.
The options show the punctuation marks used to mark thousands and the decimal place, followed by the punctuation mark used to separate arguments in spreadsheet functions and macros (a1,a2). The last four options specify that a blank space in numbers separates thousands.

To change available date formats

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing currency and punctuation settings
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Settings.
Click International.
Enable the Date format option.
Select a date format option.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Changing currency and punctuation settings

For more information about date formats, see “To format dates and times.”

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Changing currency and punctuation settings

This date format does not determine how dates appear. Rather, it determines the international date formats given as options for date appearance. To set the actual appearance of dates, click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Selection properties, and click the Numeric format tab.

To change available time formats

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing currency and punctuation settings
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Settings.
Click International.
Enable the Time format option.
Select a time format option.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Changing currency and punctuation settings

For more information about time formats, see “To format dates and times.”

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Changing currency and punctuation settings

This time format does not determine how times appear. Rather, it determines the international time formats given as options for time display. To set the actual appearance of times, click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Selection properties, and click the Numeric format tab.

To convert LICS characters

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing currency and punctuation settings
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing currency and punctuation settings Settings.
Click International.
Enable the LICS check box.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Changing currency and punctuation settings

Lotus International Character Set (LICS) characters are identical to the standard ANSI set except for the range 128 through 255, which is usually used for international and graphics characters. For more information about LICS characters, see your Lotus 1-2-3 documentation. When you save the notebook, these characters are converted back to the LICS equivalents.

Changing currency and punctuation settings