Understanding property syntax

The tables in the reference topics in this section can consist of the following columns:

Property column— lists the objects and their properties.
Argument column — shows the correct name of the property to use in the @PROPERTY function or a Property macro command.
Syntax column — shows the syntax of the property settings. Italicized items in the Syntax column describe the type of data returned; items in normal type are entered (when setting a property). If vertical bars (|) separate items, then only those items are returned or allowed in the property. For example, “Both | Window | Panel | None” means that the property setting is either Both, Window, Panel, or None; you can enter only one of these items to set the property. Another example is Precision | Type, which indicates that either the type or precision setting is listed in that position. Items in angle brackets (<>) are optional.

Understanding object precedence

If a situation arises where a property command could affect multiple objects, the object highest on the following list is identified:

1. Dialog box

2. Chart

3. Floating object

4. Named cell

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Understanding property syntax

A property command could affect multiple objects if the objects have the same name.
When the Objects sheet is active, you cannot identify a dialog box or chart. The icon representing the dialog box or chart is identified instead.

To display or change the property settings of an object

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See the reference topics for the following items:
@PROPERTY(Object.Property) — in the Quattro Pro Functions Help (qpfn.chm)
{GETOBJECTPROPERTY Cell, Object.Property}— in the “Quattro Pro Command Reference” section of the PerfectScript Help (psh.chm)
{SETOBJECTPROPERTY Object.Property, Value} — in the “Quattro Pro Command Reference” section of the PerfectScript Help (psh.chm)
{GETPROPERTY Cell, Property} — in the “Quattro Pro Command Reference” section of the PerfectScript Help (psh.chm)
{SETPROPERTY Property, Value} — in the “Quattro Pro Command Reference” section of the PerfectScript Help (psh.chm)

To display the syntax for specific objects

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See the following reference topics:

To identify an object

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Cell or Cells
[NBName] is optional
[NBName] is optional.
Chart object
[NBName] is optional. ChartName: is not needed if the chart window containing the object is active.
Chart icon
Chart icons can only be identified when the Objects sheet is selected.
Dialog box
[NBName] is optional.
Dialog control
[NBName] is optional. DialogName: is not needed if the dialog box containing the control is active.
Dialog icon
Dialog icons can only be identified when the Objects sheet is selected.
Floating object
[NBName] and Page: are optional.
Menu item
/Edit/Paste special
To identify a menu item, enter its path separated by forward slashes (/)
You can change properties of the active notebook using Active_Notebook.Property.
You can only read or set properties of the active sheet using this syntax.
Chart and Drawing Tools
Toolbar control
[ToolbarName] is not needed if the Toolbar containing the control is active.

Understanding property syntax