Debugging and editing a VBA macro

You can debug VBA macros. Debugging lets you step through code line by line to ensure that a macro executes properly. For example, if you are at a point in the code where a variable is about to be assigned a value, you can step into this line of code to determine the value of the variable at runtime.

You can also edit a VBA macro. Editing a macro involves going directly to start of the code, whereas debugging lets you step through each line of the code.

To debug a VBA macro

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Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Debugging and editing a VBA macro Visual Basic Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Debugging and editing a VBA macro Play.
Choose a macro from the Macro name list box.
Click Step into.
In Microsoft Visual Basic, click Debug Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Debugging and editing a VBA macro Step into.
Modify the code.

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After you click Step into, you can position the pointer over a specific variable to determine the value of the variable. For more information about debugging in VBA, see the Microsoft Visual Basic Help in the Visual Basic Editor.

To edit a VBA macro

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Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Debugging and editing a VBA macro Visual Basic Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Debugging and editing a VBA macro Play.
Choose a macro from the Macro name list box.
Click Edit.
Edit the code as necessary.

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For more information about editing VBA, see the Microsoft Visual Basic Help in the Visual Basic Editor.

Debugging and editing a VBA macro