Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document

The PerfectScript class lets you automate specific and repetitive tasks. The members of the PerfectScript class are the product commands used in conjunction with the PerfectScript language. You can change a Quattro Pro document using the PerfectScript class.

To change a Quattro Pro document by using the PerfectScript class

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Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document Visual Basic Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document Visual Basic Editor.
In the Project explorer Docker window, double-click VBAProject (NoteBk1) Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document Quattro Pro objects Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document ThisNotebook in the list of categories.
In the Notebok1 code module window, type Public Sub and the name of the sub.
Below End Sub, type Private Sub and the name of the sub.
Press ENTER.
You will notice that VBA automatically adds End Sub to you code
Within the Private Sub, type PerfectScript. and choose the necessary commands.
Within the Public Sub, type the name of the Private Sub.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document

If you declare the first method as private, you will not be able to run it from Quattro Pro.
For more information about VBA, see the Microsoft Visual Basic Help in the Visual Basic Editor.

Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document