Working with macro libraries
The best way to store macros is in a macro library, a special notebook reserved for macros that you can access from any notebook. You can create a library Macro libraries can
simplify linked access
make tracking macros easier
ensure that macros do not interfere with the notebook data and conversely
save disk space by using one set of macros for a group of notebooks
store a set of macros that can be copied into individual notebooks as you need them
create a separate set of macros for each application or type of notebook you work with
You should keep only one macro library open at a time. When two open libraries contain a macro with the same name, it is difficult to predict which macro will play. Quattro Pro searches only open macro libraries for macros; closed libraries are ignored.
You can also create a system notebook. You can use system notebooks to hold application macros and ensure their availability while Quattro Pro is running. You can hide system notebooks. A system notebook, when hidden, stays open even when users close all notebooks.
To create a macro library |
Click Format Notebook properties.
Click the Macro library tab.
Enable the Yes option.
Click OK.
Click File Save.
To create a system notebook |
Click Format Notebook properties.
Click the System tab.
Enable the Yes option.
If you also want to designate the notebook as a macro library, click the Macro library tab, and enable the Yes option.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
To hide a system notebook |
Click Format Notebook properties.
Click the Password level tab.
Enable the Medium option
Click OK.
In the Enter password dialog box, type a password.
You can also hide a system notebook by clicking Window Hide.