Editing grouped data
When a notebook contains similar text or formats in several spreadsheets, you can create spreadsheet groups to edit multiple contiguous spreadsheets at once. A change to one spreadsheet in a group affects all spreadsheets in the group. For example, you can simultaneously change the properties of the same cell in spreadsheets A, B, C if you group these spreadsheets together. A spreadsheet can belong to only one group.
The group mode for spreadsheets can be enabled or disabled. When you enable group mode, a blue line displays below the spreadsheet tabs to identify the spreadsheet group. By disabling the group mode, you can perform tasks that use 2D references.
Quattro Pro lets you copy data to spreadsheets in a group. You can delete a spreadsheet group.
To create a spreadsheet group |
Click Insert Name Name group of sheets.
Enter a group name in the Group name box.
Type the name of the first spreadsheet in the First sheet box.
Type the name of the last spreadsheet in the Last sheet box.
You can use letters and numbers, as well as these characters: ~ ` ! % _ | \ ‘ ?
You can use spaces, but not as the first character in a name.
You can also create a spreadsheet group by selecting any cell in the first sheet, holding down Shift and clicking the tab of the last spreadsheet to include in the group.
You can create a new spreadsheet group by changing the entries in the First sheet and Last sheet boxes.
To enable or disable Group mode |
Click View Group mode.
When group mode is enabled, a blue line displays below the spreadsheet tabs in the group.
To copy data to spreadsheets in a group |
Click View Group mode to disable group mode.
Select the source data to copy.
Click Edit Copy.
Click View Group mode to enable group mode.
Select the destination cell in any spreadsheet in the group.
Click Edit Paste.
To delete a spreadsheet group |
Click Insert Name Name group of sheets.
Choose a group from the Defined groups box.
Click Delete.