Changing the appearance of text

You can change the text in one or more cells by adjusting its font face, font size, or text color. Changing the color of text does not affect cell color or shading. Custom colors can also be used to color text.

When you choose a font or appearance option, Quattro Pro automatically displays a preview of the change using Corel RealTime Preview.

You can also change the appearance of text. For example, you can underline and italicize text, or you can set text to superscript or subscript.

For information about creating custom colors, see “Changing colors in the notebook palette.”

For more information about Corel RealTime Preview, see “Hiding notebook, spreadsheet, or screen components.”

To change the typeface, size, and color of text

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing the appearance of text
Select the cells with text to format.
Click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing the appearance of text Selection properties.
Click the Cell font tab.
Choose a font face from the Face list.
Choose a font size from the Size list box.
Open the Color picker, and click a color.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Changing the appearance of text

If a font face has a TrueType (TT) or Adobe Type Manager (a) symbol beside it, text displays in print as it does on the screen. Font faces with a printer symbol beside them print but may not display in the correct font face on the screen. Font faces without a symbol display accurately on the screen, but may not display in the correct font when printed.
If text does not appear on your printout, choose a darker color; light colors print as white on some printers.

To change the properties of the text font

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing the appearance of text
Select the cells with text to format.
Click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing the appearance of text Selection properties.
Click the Cell font tab.
Enable any of the following check boxes in the Appearance area:

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Changing the appearance of text

You can also change the text appearance by clicking the Bold Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnbold Changing the appearance of text, Italic Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnital Changing the appearance of text, or Underline Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx underlin Changing the appearance of text button on the property bar.

To convert text to superscript or subscript

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing the appearance of text
Double-click a cell.
Select the data to change.
Click one of the following buttons on the property bar:
Superscript Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx sprscrpt Changing the appearance of text
Subscript Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx sbscrpt Changing the appearance of text

Changing the appearance of text