String spreadsheet functions

String spreadsheet functions work on strings of characters, or text. They include one or more strings as arguments, and return either a string or a numerical value.

@CHAR  Returns the ANSI character that corresponds to the decimal code specified as the argument.
@CLEAN  Returns a specified string with any non-printable ASCII codes removed.
@CODE  Returns the ANSI code of the first character in a specified string.
@CONCATENATE Links several items together.
@DOLLAR Converts a numeric value to text, using currency format.
@DOLLARTEXT Converts a numeric value to text, using cardinal number format.
@EXACT  Returns 1 if two specified strings are identical (including capitalization), otherwise returns 0.
@FIND Looks for a specified substring in a specified string, beginning with the character in the specified position. Returns the position of the first matched character in the string.
@FIXED Rounds a number to a specified number of decimals, formats it, and displays the result as text.
@FRACTION Converts a number with a decimal component to a fraction.
@FULLP Converts a half-width character string to a full-width character string.
@HALFP Converts a full-width character string to a half-width character string.
@KANSUUJI Converts a kanji number to its arabic representation.
@LEFT  Returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a specified string.
@LENGTH  Returns the length of a specified string, including spaces.
@LOWER  Returns a specified string with all the alphabetic characters converted to lowercase (small letters).
@MID  Returns a specified number of characters from a specified string, starting with the character in the specified position.
@N  Returns the numeric value of the top left cell of cells.
@PROPER  Returns a specified string with the first letter of each word capitalized, and with all other letters lowercase.
@REPEAT Returns a string made up of a specified number of repetitions of a specified string.
@REPLACE Deletes a specified number of characters in a specified string, beginning with a specified position, and replaces them with a specified string. Returns the modified string.
@RIGHT Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a specified string.
@S  Returns the string value of the top left cell of cells.
@SETSTRING Returns a label as long as the number of characters you specify.
@STRCOMPNORM Compares two strings using half-width/full-width normalization.
@STRING  Converts a specified numeric value into a string, rounding to a specified number of decimal places.
@SUBSTITUTE Returns a copy of a specified text string, substituting new text for old text.
@SUUJI Converts an arabic number to its kanji representation based on given style.
@TRIM  Returns a specified string without leading or trailing spaces, and without multiple spaces.
@UPPER Returns a specified string with all of the alphabetic characters converted to uppercase (capital letters).
@VALUE  Returns the numeric value of a specified string. (Returns ERR if the argument is not a simple number string.)

String spreadsheet functions