Performing field data comparisons in CrossTab reports

You can compare field data, and Quattro Pro lets you choose from many field data comparison calculations. Field data comparisons are useful to summarize and analyze the data. Only fields in the data position of CrossTab reports can be compared, because they are the fields with numeric values.

To compare field data in CrossTab reports

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Click a data field.
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Click Compare>>.
Choose one of the following from the Data comparison list:
Difference from — displays all data in the data area as the difference between the value for the specified field and field item
% of — displays all data in the data area as a percentage of the value for the specified field and field item
% difference from — displays all data in the data area as the difference between the value for the specified field and field item but displays the difference as a percentage of the base data
Running total in — displays the data for successive items as a cumulative total
% of row — displays all data in each row as a percentage of the total for each row
% of column — displays all data in each column as a percentage of the total for each column
% of total — displays all data in the data area as a percentage of the grand total of all of the data in the CrossTab report
Index — displays the result using the following calculation: ((value in cell) x (grand total of grand totals)) / ((grand row total) x (grand column total))

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Performing field data comparisons in CrossTab reports

You can display an enormous amount of information about your data if you enable all of the data comparison options; decide which options are most relevant and include only them.

Performing field data comparisons in CrossTab reports