Using the documentation

WordPerfect Office includes a wide variety of documentation, which can help you learn all about WordPerfect Office programs and features.

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Not all components are available in all versions of WordPerfect Office. Unavailable components may include Corel applications and features, third-party utilities, and extra content files. References to these components may nevertheless appear within the applications and within the documentation.

The following resources are available to help you:

Documentation type
What it does
In-product Help
Lets you quickly retrieve all the information you need. Help displays in a separate window on your screen. For quick access, you can keep the Help window displayed on top of the application window.
Context-sensitive Help
Displays information relevant to the task you are currently performing. Context-sensitive Help provides help for menu commands, toolbar buttons, dialog boxes, and dialog box controls. You access context-sensitive Help by clicking the What’s This? Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx question Using the documentation button, and clicking the item you want information about.
Provide information about icons and buttons on the toolbars and the Toolbox. QuickTips display in a balloon when you point to an icon or a button.
Guides you through basic tasks and helps you create detailed projects. PerfectExpert includes the best features of QuickTask, templates, and Coaches, combined with information from online Help and the power of a natural-language interface, to assist you with everyday tasks.
PDF manuals
Provide a “book-based” approach to the documentation

New to WordPerfect Office X5 is the Reference Center, which provides all-in-one access to the Help files and PDF manuals that install with the software suite, as well as links to Web-based resources.

You can access Help either from within the Reference Center or from directly within a program. You can search the Help for specific information, and you can print specific Help topics or print entire sections of the Help.

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If you want to simultaneously access and search all the Help files for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, you can use the new Help Finder tools provided by the Reference Center.

You can access context-sensitive Help, QuickTips, and the PerfectExpert from directly within a program.

Understanding the documentation conventions

Before you start using the documentation, it is important to understand the conventions used.

When you see this
Do this
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation New.
Click the File menu, and click New in the menu.
Click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Justification Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Left.
Click the Format menu, click Justification, and click Left in the submenu that displays.
Enable a check box.
Click the check box to place a check mark or an “X” inside the box.
Disable an option.
Click the option to remove the indicator.
Select text.
Click and drag to highlight text.
Click an object.
Click anywhere on an object.
Right-click, and click Paste.
Press the right mouse button, and click Paste in the submenu that displays.
Press Enter.
Press the Enter key.
Ctrl + Shift
Press the Ctrl key and the Shift key at the same time.

To access the Reference Center

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Do one of the following:
On the Windows taskbar, click Start Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Programs Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation WordPerfect Office X5 Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Reference Center.
In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Reference Center.
Click any tab to display the available documentation for that category.
Click any category entry to display its associated documentation.

To access the Help

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Do one of the following:
In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Help topics.
In the Reference Center, click a Help entry.
Click one of the following tabs:
Contents — lets you browse through topics in the Help
Index — lets you use the index to find a topic
Search — lets you search the full text of the Help for a particular word or phrase. For more information, see “To search the Help.”

You can also
Access macros Help
Do one of the following:
In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation Macro commands.
In the Reference Center, click the Macros and Migration tab, and then click the PerfectScript Help entry.
Access CorelTUTOR Help
In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation CorelTUTOR.

To search the Help

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Click the Search tab in the left pane of the Help.
Type a word or phrase in the search box.
For example, if you are looking for information about macros, you can type macro to display a list of relevant topics. To search for
a phrase, type the phrase, and enclose it in quotation marks (for example, type “writing tools” or “file formats”).
Click the List topics button.
Choose a topic from the list that appears, and press Enter. The topic is displayed in the right pane of the Help.
If your search results do not include any relevant topics, check whether you spelled the search word or phrase correctly. Note that the English Help uses American spelling (for example, “color,” “favorite,” “center,” and “customize”), so searching for British spellings (“colour,” “favourite,” “centre,” and “customise”) produces no results.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Using the documentation

To determine the location of a displayed topic within the Help, click the Contents tab in the left pane of the Help.

You can also
Search for a word or phrase in a list of topics generated by the previous search
Enable the Search previous results check box.
Search for all forms of a word
Enable the Match similar words check box.

For example, if you type “type” and enable this check box, the search results will include topics that contain the words “types” and “typing.”
Search only the titles of Help topics
Enable the Search titles only check box.
Repeat a recently performed search
On the search box, click the arrow that points down, and choose a word or phrase.
Search by using Boolean operators
Type a search term in the box, and click the flyout arrow that points to the right. Choose a Boolean operator from the following list, type another search term in the search box, and then press Enter.
AND — lets you find topics that contain all search terms in the search box
OR — lets you find topics that contain at least one of the words in the search box
NEAR — lets you find topics in which the search terms appear close to each other. This operator provides more results than when you use only a phrase search, and more relevant results than when you search for individual words.
NOT — lets you find topics that contain the search term that you type before NOT and that do not contain the search term that you type after NOT

To print Help topics

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Do the following
Print a section
Select the section you want to print, click Print, and enable the Print selected heading and all subtopics option.
Print a topic
Select the topic you want to print, click Print, and enable the Print selected topic option.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Using the documentation

You can also print a topic by right-clicking the window and clicking Print.

To access context-sensitive Help

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To get help for
Do the following
Point to a menu item for QuickTips information.

You can also point to a menu item and press F1.
Toolbar buttons
Point to a toolbar button for QuickTips information.

You can also point to a toolbar button, press Shift + F1, and click the button.
Dialog boxes
Click Help.
Dialog box controls
Click the Context-sensitive Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx question Using the documentation button in an open dialog box, and click a control.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Using the documentation

You can also access context-sensitive Help in a dialog box by pressing F1.

To access the PerfectExpert

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In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Using the documentation PerfectExpert.
A check mark next to the PerfectExpert command indicates that the command is enabled, and the PerfectExpert panel displays in the left side of the document window.

Using the documentation