Reference: Quattro Pro basics

The application bar displays mode and status indicators. For example, if you press Caps lock, the application bar lets you know that Caps lock is on.

Mode and status indicators

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Reference: Quattro Pro basics

The following are some of the indicators that can appear on the application bar in Quattro Pro:

What It means
Wordperfect Quattro Pro calc Reference: Quattro Pro basics
One or more formulas need to be recalculated. (Press F9 to recalculate the notebook.)
Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx circ Reference: Quattro Pro basics
A formula contains a circular cell reference (it refers to itself or to another formula that refers back to it).
Wordperfect Quattro Pro caps Reference: Quattro Pro basics
Caps lock is on.
Wordperfect Quattro Pro numlock Reference: Quattro Pro basics
Num lock is on.
Wordperfect Quattro Pro scrllock Reference: Quattro Pro basics
Scroll lock is on.
Wordperfect Quattro Pro record Reference: Quattro Pro basics
Macro recording is in progress.
Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx typeoverbtn Reference: Quattro Pro basics
You pressed Ins and are in Typeover mode. Anything you type will overwrite existing data. (To return to Insert mode, press Ins again.)
You are using the Drag and Drop feature to copy cells. (Press Ctrl while dragging cells with the mouse.)
The End key is on. Any arrow keys you press move the insertion point to the end of an area in the notebook instead of scrolling.
You are in Edit mode. Press F2 to activate Edit mode.
Input is confined to selected cells with the {RestrictInput.Option} macro command. (Press Esc or Enter with no data in the input line to return to Ready mode.)
The entry you are typing is text (a label).
You are using the Drag and Drop feature to move cells.
The notebook is in Point mode, letting you specify a cell or cells, or view cell names with F3.
Quattro Pro is ready for you to enter data or choose an option.
The entry you are typing is a number or formula.

Reference: Quattro Pro basics