Migrating from earlier versions of WordPerfect Office

WordPerfect Office X5 offers numerous features that make it easy to upgrade, or “migrate,” from an earlier version of the software.

Migrating the software

WordPerfect Office X5 can coexist with earlier versions of the software, provided that you have enough disk space.

By default, the WordPerfect Office X5 setup keeps older versions of WordPerfect Office when installing WordPerfect Office X5. However, you can choose to remove any older versions of WordPerfect Office that are detected by the setup. For information, see “To install WordPerfect Office X5.”

Migrating customized settings

The WordPerfect Office X5 setup lets you migrate customized settings from the older versions of the software that it detects. For information, see “To install WordPerfect Office X5.”

Migrating templates

WordPerfect Office X5 lets you use templates that were created in a previous version of the software.

You can copy templates from one location for another. This technique is useful, for example, if you want to migrate a user-created template from an earlier version of WordPerfect Office to WordPerfect Office X5. User-created templates are stored at Corel\PerfectExpert\15\EN in the user’s application-data folder. For more information, see “To copy a project template to another location.”

Are your migrated WordPerfect templates missing the new menu commands for WordPerfect X5? If so, you can merge the missing menu commands into your templates. For information, please see “Merging default menu commands into templates” in the WordPerfect Help.

Migrating macros

WordPerfect Office X5 lets you use macros that were created in a previous version of the software.

By default, WordPerfect automatically compiles macros that were created in a previous version of the software. The compile process locks the macro file, preventing other users from accessing it until the compile process is complete. For organizations that want to create a centralized, shared macro repository that supports multiple versions of WordPerfect, the best practice is to set WordPerfect to compile and run all macros locally (that is, from the user’s temporary folder). For information, please see “Storing macros in a centralized, shared repository” in the WordPerfect Help.

Migrating from earlier versions of WordPerfect Office