Wordperfect Quattro Pro
Wordperfect Quattro Pro
Welcome to Quattro Pro Help
Getting started with Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro Accessibility features
Compatibility with Microsoft Excel
Creating and managing spreadsheets
Working with data
Editing and formatting spreadsheets
Working with charts and graphics
Sharing projects
Layout and printing
Automating tasks
Wordperfect Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro Accessibility features
Using Accessibility features
Modifying display and navigational features
Modifying display and navigational features
Please see the following topics:
Displaying, arranging, resizing, and hiding windows
Zooming data and hiding and displaying screen components
Modifying display and navigational features
Wordperfect Quattro Pro > Modifying display and navigational features
Welcome to Quattro Pro Help
Getting started with Quattro Pro
Welcome to Quattro Pro
What’s new in WordPerfect Office X5?
Using the WordPerfect Office X5 setup
Registering WordPerfect Office X5
Updating WordPerfect Office X5
Migrating from earlier versions of WordPerfect Office
About Corel Support Services
About customer feedback
About Corel
Learning to use Quattro Pro
Using the documentation
Getting additional help
Accessing information on the Corel Web site
Using Web-based resources
Quattro Pro basics
Understanding the components of a notebook
Working with toolbars
Working with the application bar
Viewing notebook information
Recording notebook summary information
Working with Quattro Pro Experts
Quitting Quattro Pro
Reference: Quattro Pro basics
Quattro Pro Accessibility features
Using Accessibility features
Accessing Quattro Pro documentation in ASCII text format
Customizing keyboards, toolbars, and menus
Modifying display and navigational features
Changing the text size of the Help
Compatibility with Microsoft Excel
Using compatibility features
Changing compatibility options
Quattro Pro compatibility with Microsoft Excel
Comparing Microsoft Excel and Quattro Pro features
Simulating the Microsoft Excel workspace
Sharing Quattro Pro spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel users
Reference: Moving between Microsoft Excel and Quattro Pro
Quattro Pro compatibility FAQ
Opening and saving files
Creating the equivalent of a Microsoft Excel PivotTable
Using macros
Opening Microsoft Excel templates
Converting currency formats
Creating and managing spreadsheets
Creating spreadsheets
Creating and opening notebooks
Adding and deleting spreadsheets
Moving and copying spreadsheets
Renaming spreadsheets
Selecting cells, rows, and columns
Inserting and deleting cells, rows, and columns
Creating labels and special characters
Entering values
Filling cells and spreadsheet tabs automatically
Creating a series to fill cells
Restricting and annotating cell data
Creating simple equations
Calculating data in rows and columns
Using preset calculations
Reference: Creating spreadsheets
Working with project templates
Creating projects by using templates
Quattro Pro templates
Working with project template categories
Viewing and navigating spreadsheets and notebooks
Navigating spreadsheets and notebooks
Displaying, arranging, resizing, and hiding windows
Zooming data and viewing screen components
Hiding and revealing rows and columns
Hiding notebook, spreadsheet, or screen components
Working with data
Managing files and data
Opening and saving files
Sending files
Inserting, importing, and combining files
Importing text into columns
Linking and embedding objects
Editing and updating objects and links
Creating notebook links
Editing and updating notebook links
Sorting data
Filtering data
Consolidating data
Working with outlines
Protecting data
Reference: Managing files and data
Using WordPerfect Office file management
Working with files and folders
Previewing files
Printing and viewing file lists
Using the Favorites folder
Mapping a network drive
Viewing pages from the Web or an intranet
Disabling the file management dialog boxes in WordPerfect Office
Protecting files
Editing and formatting spreadsheets
Editing spreadsheets
Checking spelling
Editing cell content
Undoing actions
Editing grouped data
Copying and moving cells, rows, and columns
Using the writing tools
Adding a Writing Tools language
Using the spelling checker
Using the thesaurus
Using the dictionary
Setting dictionary options
Working with user word lists
Changing the language settings
Customizing the writing tools
Reference: Using writing tools
Formatting spreadsheets
Resizing rows and columns
Using formatting tools
Wrapping text
Joining cells
Changing the appearance of text
Working with fills, patterns, and borders
Changing colors in the notebook palette
Aligning data
Working with numeric formats
Creating custom formats
Creating a bar format
Working with page breaks
Creating headers and footers
Customizing margins
Working with styles
Reference: Formatting spreadsheets
Working with formulas and functions
Working with formulas
Recalculating formulas
Moving and copying formulas and referenced cells
Composing formulas
Working with spreadsheet functions
Tracing errors in formulas
Naming cells
Reference: Working with formulas and functions
Quattro Pro Functions List
Quattro Pro Functions Categories
Database spreadsheet functions
Date and Time spreadsheet functions
Engineering spreadsheet functions
Financial spreadsheet functions
Logical spreadsheet functions
Mathematical spreadsheet functions
Miscellaneous spreadsheet functions
Statistical spreadsheet functions
String spreadsheet functions
Quattro Pro Functions Equivalents
Analyzing data
Using statistical analysis tools
Creating frequency distribution tables
Performing regression analysis
Performing matrix operations
Creating scenarios
Managing scenarios
Creating one-variable What-If tables
Creating two-variable What-If tables
Using goal seeking
Finding optimum solutions for linear and nonlinear problems
Reference: Analyzing data
Summarizing data by using CrossTab reports
Creating CrossTab reports
Creating CrossTab reports by using OLAP data sources
Creating CrossTab reports by using ODBC data sources
Naming CrossTab reports
Formatting CrossTab reports
Updating and refreshing CrossTab report data
Sorting and filtering CrossTab report data
Moving and deleting CrossTab reports
Customizing CrossTab report fields
Hiding field items and details in CrossTab reports
Calculating field summaries in CrossTab reports
Performing field data comparisons in CrossTab reports
Expanding, filtering, and removing field elements in OLAP CrossTab reports
Making static copies of CrossTab reports
Expanding CrossTab reports
Using databases
Creating notebook databases
Preparing queries for searching notebook databases
Querying notebook databases
Querying external databases
Importing data from external databases
Refreshing data from external databases
Reference: Using databases
Working with charts and graphics
Presenting spreadsheet data in a chart
Plotting chart data
Creating charts automatically
Creating area charts
Creating bar charts
Creating bubble charts
Creating Gantt charts
Creating high/low charts
Creating histogram charts
Creating line charts
Creating mixed charts
Creating pie charts
Creating polar charts
Creating radar charts
Creating scatter charts
Creating spectral charts
Creating surface charts
Adding titles to charts
Adding linked data to charts
Working with chart series
Changing chart data
Changing the order of chart data
Plotting a series on a secondary y-axis
Changing bar chart options
Changing line chart options
Changing pie chart options
Changing high/low chart options
Changing the fill and border style of a chart series
Changing the fill and border style of data points
Replacing chart series with riser models
Applying transparency and glow to a chart series
Displaying data labels
Working with chart text
Selecting text
Changing font appearance
Applying fills to text
Positioning, rotating, and moving text
Adding boxes to text
Adding fills to text boxes
Setting the numeric format for chart text
Editing chart text
Formatting the x and y axes
Displaying and positioning axis labels
Setting the numeric format for the x and y axes
Displaying and formatting gridlines
Specifying scale properties
Working with 3D charts
Changing the viewing angle of 3D charts
Managing viewing angles
Changing the fill and border of 3D chart walls
Editing charts
Selecting chart items
Changing chart types
Changing legend labels and position
Changing legend boxes and borders
Applying fills to legend boxes
Changing the fill and border of chart frames
Changing the background fill
Applying advanced rendering to charts
Changing chart lighting
Moving, resizing, and deleting charts
Saving and retrieving chart templates
Analyzing chart data
Plotting trendlines
Plotting error bars
Reference: Analyzing chart data
Adding graphics to spreadsheets
Drawing shapes and lines
Creating text box graphics
Arranging graphics
Viewing graphics
Managing and sharing graphics
Changing the properties of a shape
Working in the Draw Picture window
Using Scrapbook
Starting and quitting Scrapbook
Working with Scrapbook items
Searching for items in Scrapbook
Working with Scrapbook categories
Previewing sound and movie files in Scrapbook
Viewing items in Scrapbook
Updating Scrapbook items
Reference: Using Scrapbook
Using TextArt
Working with TextArt
Using fonts and symbols
Aligning and rotating TextArt images
Changing the appearance of 2D TextArt images
Changing the color and direction of light on 3D TextArt images
Adjusting the bevel of 3D TextArt images
Adjusting the resolution and texture of 3D TextArt images
Using Equation Editor
Creating equations
Selecting equations
Moving equation elements
Formatting equation elements
Setting default spacing of equation elements
Adding nonmathematical phrases to equations
Deleting equation elements and equations
Adding equations to the list of preset equations
Creating matrices in equations
Reference: Equation Editor
Adding maps to spreadsheets
Creating and positioning maps
Presenting data on maps
Editing maps
Customizing map legends
Reference: Adding maps to spreadsheets
Sharing projects
Working with PDF files
Publishing to PDF
Setting passwords for PDF files
Creating PDF styles
Working with fonts in PDF files
Modifying PDF settings
Optimizing PDF files for the Web
Creating spreadsheets for the Web
Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Setting HTML style options
Using XML with Quattro Pro
Working with Web queries
Working with Web links
Linking to Web graphics
Reference: Creating spreadsheets for the Web
Using passwords
Using password protection
Working collaboratively
Sharing notebooks
Comparing notebooks
Reviewing notebooks
Layout and printing
Setting up a printer
Setting up a print job
Previewing a print job
Printing the active spreadsheet or notebook
Controlling a print job
Spacing a print job
Printing data
Printing charts and maps
Printing selected print areas
Printing headers and footers
Printing headings
Laying out a print job
Saving, restoring, and naming default print settings
Printing to a file
Reference: Printing
Automating tasks
Using macros
Recording and editing Quattro Pro macros
Working with macro libraries
Recording and editing PerfectScript macros
Creating VBA macros
Debugging and editing a VBA macro
Using the PerfectScript class to change a Quattro Pro document
Working in Developer mode
Recording macros that use relative or absolute cell references
Attaching macros to notebooks and buttons
Playing macros
Debugging Quattro Pro macros
Debugging PerfectScript macros
Using macros to customize application settings
Reference: Using macros
Using OLE automation
Using Quattro Pro with Lotus Notes
Reference: Using OLE automation
Using form controls
Creating controls on a spreadsheet
Customizing and managing controls on a spreadsheet
Properties of form controls
Using custom dialog boxes and controls
Creating custom dialog boxes
Editing and positioning dialog boxes
Adding dialog box controls
Assigning properties to dialog box controls
Attaching actions to dialog box controls
Editing and positioning dialog box controls
Working with child controls in dialog boxes
Creating Help and tips for controls
Using macros to display a dialog box
Reference: Using custom dialog boxes and controls
Properties of dialog box controls
Customizing Quattro Pro
Changing program settings
Changing the workspace
Changing the display theme
Customizing menus
Customizing keyboards
Changing currency and punctuation settings
Setting a default language
Using shortcut keys and startup switches
Using shortcut keys
Using startup switches
Quattro Pro properties
Understanding object properties
Understanding cell properties
Understanding property syntax
Common properties
Active Object properties
Common Chart Object properties
Drawn Chart Object properties
Fixed Chart Object properties
Dialog Control properties
Menu Item properties
Notebook Object properties
Objects Sheet Icon properties
Wordperfect Quattro Pro