Linking to Web graphics
Quattro Pro lets you insert Web graphics into a spreadsheet by dragging them from your Web browser. When you drag a graphic from the browser to a spreadsheet, you create a link to that graphic that is similar to a hyperlink. For information about hyperlinks, see “To insert a hyperlink.”
You can also create a live image link to dynamic graphics on the Internet. Live image links are updated automatically at set refresh intervals. For example, if you create a live image link to a dynamic weather map, Quattro Pro displays the weather map as a graphic on the spreadsheet and updates the graphic with weather changes at specified refresh intervals.
To insert a Web graphic |
In an Internet browser application, locate a URL that contains a graphic.
Drag the graphic from the Internet browser to a notebook.
To create a live image link to a dynamic Web graphic |
Open the Internet browser application.
Locate a URL that contains a dynamic graphic.
Drag the graphic from the Internet browser application to a notebook.
Double-click the graphic.
In the Refresh area, enable any of the following check boxes:
Refresh every — updates the live link at regular intervals according to the unit and time interval you choose
Refresh on open — updates the live link each time you open the notebook