Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML

Using Quattro Pro, you can save spreadsheet ranges as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents. You can also save charts as HTML documents. In addition, you can reorganize HTML documents to move or delete cell ranges.

To an HTML document you can add such information as when the document was last updated, who wrote the document and their email address, and the title of the document. You can also add hidden meta text to the HTML file which allows you to specify keywords to produce hits when performing searches on the Internet.

To save a spreadsheet range as an HTML document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML Publish to Internet.
In the Ranges and charts to convert area, click the Range picker Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnsel Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML and select a range of cells.
Click Add.
In the Export range as area, enable one of the following options:
Table — exports HTML table formatting tags
Text — exports only text, excluding HTML table formatting tags
Type a path and filename in the Save file box.

To save a table or chart as an HTML document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML Publish to Internet.
In the Ranges and charts to convert area, click Chart Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnngrph Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML.
In the View chart dialog box, choose a chart from the Selected chart list.
Type a path and filename in the Save file box.
If you want to save tables or charts in an existing HTML file, enable the Insert only tables and charts into existing HTML file check box.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML

When using Insert only tables and charts into existing HTML file, the selected ranges are inserted into the file specified in the Save file box at the <!- -## TABLE ##- – > tag if the file contains an HTML table, or at the <!- -## CHART## – - > tag if the file contains an HTML chart. If the specified file does not contain a <!- -## TABLE ##- -> or <!- – ## CHART ##- -> tag, the selected ranges are appended to the end of the file.

To reorganize an HTML document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML Publish to Internet.
Choose a cell range or chart from the Ranges and charts to convert list.
Click one of the following:
Delete — deletes the cell range or chart from the HTML file
Move up — moves the cell range or chart up one item in the list of ranges
Move down — moves the cell range or chart down one item in the list of ranges

To add document information to an HTML document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML Publish to Internet.
Type a path and filename in the Save file box.
In the Document info area, type information in any of the following boxes:
Last updated on — lets you add the date on which the document was last updated; by default, Quattro Pro automatically enters the date saved according to your system’s internal date
By — lets you add the name of the person who updated the document; by default, Quattro Pro automatically enters the name stored in the login setting
Email — lets you add an email address to which Internet users can send email
Title — lets you add a title to display in the title bar of the document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML

You can also choose an HTML document by clicking Browse Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx folder Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML.

To add meta-text to an HTML document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML Publish to Internet.
Type a path and filename in the Save file box.
In the Meta text area, type information in any of the following boxes:
Header — lets you add a name to display in the heading section of the HTML source code
Description below header — lets you add keywords or a description of the document

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML

If you entered a subject in the document summary, it displays in the Header box. In the HTML source code, the header text displays as meta text in the heading section. For more information about document summaries, see “To record summary information about a notebook.”
If you entered comments in the document summary, they display in the Description below header box. In the HTML source code, the keywords and description display as meta text in the heading section. For more information about document summaries, see “To record summary information about a notebook.”

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML

You can also choose an HTML document by clicking Browse Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx folder Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML.

Publishing spreadsheet data in HTML