Working with Web links
Using Quattro Pro, you can create Web links, which allow you to retrieve data from the Internet and place it into a notebook. You can access (HTTP), gopher, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) sites.
You can refresh Web link data in a range of cells. For example, you can track a company’s stock price changes over the course of a day at hourly intervals. In addition, you can manually refresh Web links, or set automatic refresh intervals to update linked data. You can also edit and delete Web links.
To create a Web link |
Click File Open.
Type a URL in the Filename box.
Click Open.
Find the cell containing the relevant information and note its location.
Select the destination cell where you want the link to display.
Type +[URL]Sheet:Cell reference
Sheet:Cell reference is where the information displayed when you opened it in a notebook. For example, +[]C:B9
In the Link to box, type the cell location where you want the information to display.
Web links are saved along with the notebook.
You can also select the cell where you want the information to display by clicking the Range picker and selecting the cell.
To refresh Web link data in a range of cells |
Select a cell that contains a Web link.
Click Tools Internet Edit Web link.
In the Link to box, click the Range picker and select the range of cells.
Enable one of the following options:
Wrap data to beginning of range — loads the source data at the beginning of a cell or cell range, and replaces existing data
Insert data at end of range — loads the source data at the end of the cell range, and shifts the previous values up or left in the range with each subsequent refresh
Insert data at beginning of range — loads the source data at the beginning of the cell range, and shifts all previous values down or to the right in the range with each subsequent refresh
To refresh a Web link
Click Edit Links Refresh links.
Click a link.
To set a refresh interval for a Web link |
Select a cell that contains a Web link.
Click Tools Internet Edit Web link.
In the Refresh interval area, specify one of the following settings:
Refresh every — select a unit and time interval from the list box. Acceptable ranges are as follows: seconds 1 to 59, minutes 1 to 59, hours 1 to 24, days 1 to 10.
Start refresh at — type a start time, and choose either a.m. or p.m
End refresh at — type an end time, and choose either a.m. or p.m
Start day — choose a start day from the list box
End day — choose an end day from the list box
To edit a Web link |
Select a cell containing a Web link.
Click Tools Internet Edit Web link.
Modify any settings.
To delete a Web link |
Click Edit Links Delete links.
Click a link.