Creating and positioning maps

You can create a map from the sample data provided with Quattro Pro. Sample data is stored in datamap files and can be copied to a spreadsheet and combined with your own data. These files are installed with the Quattro Pro mapping component and contain statistical and geographic data related to various world regions.

You can use a Quattro Pro mapping expert to create maps representing data. This expert allows you to create floating maps or full-page maps. Quattro Pro calculates the full range of map data and assigns each map region one of six colors or patterns, depending on where that region lies in the data range.

After creating a map, you can move it anywhere on a spreadsheet and adjust its size to fit in a specified area. The region displayed on a map is an object. Legends, titles, and any additional graphics you add to a map are also map objects. Each object can be moved or resized independently.

You can also change the aspect ratio of a map. When you change a map’s aspect ratio, you are changing the height and width proportions of the map.

Quattro Pro lets you view a map (or a portion of a map) with increased or reduced magnification. For example, if you zoom in on a map of Africa you can view a single country (for example, Egypt) on the map.

For additional information about sample datamap files, see “Example of setting up map data.”

To copy data from a datamap file to a new notebook

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps Open.
Choose the drive and folder where the datamap file is stored.
Datamap files are usually located in the programs\datamaps folder.
Choose All files from the File type list box.
Double-click the datamap (.wb3) file you want to open.
Select the data you want to copy to your notebook.
Click Edit Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps Copy.
Click File Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps New.
Click Edit Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps Paste.

To create a map

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Select the cells containing the map data.
The first selected cell must contain the first map region name.
Click Insert Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps Graphics Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Creating and positioning maps Map.
Follow the directions provided by the Map Expert.
If the Check regions dialog box is displayed, you can replace the unknown region by choosing a region from the Region list box, and clicking Replace. You can also leave the unknown region by clicking Skip or Skip all.
To add cities to your map, click Mark points on your map during the Map Expert process.
Position the pointer at the upper-left corner of the desired positi
on for the map.
Drag diagonally until the map is the required size.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Creating and positioning maps

To create a map on a separate page, enable the Map window option in the Destination area. To create a blank map, don’t type any cell references in the Color or Pattern boxes.

To move a map

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Select the border of a map.
Drag the border to move the map to a new position.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Creating and positioning maps

If you want to move multiple map objects as a unit; select an object, hold down Shift, and select additional objects.

To resize a map

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Select the border of a map.
Drag a sizing handle to change the width or height of the map.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Creating and positioning maps

If you want to change the width and height without changing map proportions, drag a corner sizing handle.
If you want to resize multiple map objects as a unit; select an object, hold down Shift, and select additional objects.

To change the aspect ratio of a map

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Select a map.
Click View, and click one of the following menu commands:
Floating chart — retains the proportions of the floating map, even when you print the map or display it on its own page
Printer preview — displays how the map looks when printed with the current page setup
Screen slide — displays the correct proportions for a map that you plan to use in an onscreen slide show
35mm slide — displays the correct proportions for a map that you plan to send to a slide service for processing into 35mm slides

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Creating and positioning maps

For information about printing maps, see “Printing charts and maps.”

To zoom in on a map

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Creating and positioning maps
Select a map.
Right-click an area, and click Zoom in.

You can also
Return a map to its original magnification
Right-click an area, and click Zoom to normal.
Reduce the magnification of a map
Right-click an area, and click Zoom out.
Center a map on a point
Right-click an area, and click Center.

Creating and positioning maps