Plotting trendlines

You can calculate new data points and graph them without changing the data on a spreadsheet by plotting trendlines. Trendlines represent the chart data after it has passed through an equation designed to analyze a specific trend or to answer a question.

You can specify how the trendline is displayed.

To plot a trendline

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Plotting trendlines
Click a chart, and click a chart series.
Right-click the selected series, and click Series properties.
Click the Trendline tab.
Choose one of the following analysis methods from the Method box:
Modify any analysis options.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Plotting trendlines

You can plot trendlines on 2D charts only.

To specify trendline display options

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Plotting trendlines
Click a chart, and click a chart series.
Right-click the selected series, and click Series properties.
Click the Trendline tab.
In the Display area, choose one of the following from the list box:
Trendline — places the trendline on the current data series
Modify the series — replaces the current data series with the trendline
Enable any of the following check boxes:
Equation on chart
R-squared value on chart

Plotting trendlines