Changing chart types

You can change the chart type. Quattro Pro provides you with a collection of predesigned chart templates and color schemes that let you change the chart type, or format charts quickly, rather than editing individual features.

You can also specify the default chart that displays every time you create a chart automatically. For more information about creating charts, see “Creating charts automatically.”

To change the chart type

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing chart types
Click a chart.
Click Chart Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing chart types Gallery.
Click the Type tab.
Choose a chart category from the Category list.
In the Type area, click a chart type.

You can also
Apply a color scheme to a chart
Choose a color scheme from the Color scheme list box.
Add depth to a chart
Enable the Add depth check box.
Use a chart type recommended by the Advisor
Click the Advisor tab. Choose a chart type from the list.
Select a custom chart
Click the Custom tab. Choose a chart type from the list.

To specify the default chart

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing chart types
Click a chart.
Click Chart Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing chart types Gallery, and click the Type tab.
Click a chart category from the Category list.
In the Type section, click a chart type.
Enable the Use as default for all new charts check box.

Changing chart types