Plotting a series on a secondary y-axis

Quattro Pro lets you add a secondary y-axis to a chart. You can plot a chart series on a secondary y-axis if, for example, the values in one series are much larger or smaller than those in other series, or if a series requires a different scale type.

To add a secondary y-axis to a chart

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Plotting a series on a secondary y axis
Click a chart.
Click Chart Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Plotting a series on a secondary y axis Gallery.
Enable the Add secondary y-axis check box.

To plot a series on a secondary y-axis

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Plotting a series on a secondary y axis
Click a chart, and click a chart series.
Right-click the selected series, and click Series properties.
Click the Series options tab.
In the Y-axis area, choose Secondary from the list.

You can also
Specify on which side of the chart the secondary y-axis is placed
In the Axis on area, enable the Left side or Right side option.
Change the series type to distinguish it from the rest of the chart
In the Series type area, enable one of the series options.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Plotting a series on a secondary y axis

You can plot a series on a secondary y-axis only in 2D charts that have a y-axis and an x-axis

Plotting a series on a secondary y-axis