Filtering data

Filters provide a quick way to work with a subset of column data. When you filter data, Quattro Pro displays only the rows containing the values you specify, temporarily hiding other rows in the list until you undo the filter. For example, you can filter a birthday list with columns for first name, last name, year, month, and day, to display only the names of people who were born in January. You can perform a data filter or customize your filter.

When you apply a filter to a column, the triangle on the filter button above that column turns blue. You can remove the filter button when you no longer need it.

You can specify different types of filters within one notebook. For example, in a column of income data, you can apply a Top 10 filter to display the top 10% of incomes. In a name column, you can apply a custom filter and specify names that begin with S. The filter results display only people in the top 10% income bracket whose names begin with S.

To filter data

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Filtering data
Click a cell in the data to filter.
If you want to display only blanks or non blanks in a range of data, select all of the cells you want to filter.
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Filtering data QuickFilter.
Click the filter button on the column to filter, and click one of the following options:
Blanks — displays only rows that do not contain data in the sort or filter columns
Non blanks — displays only rows that contain data in the sort or filter columns

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Filtering data

You can filter by a single value by choosing a specific value from the QuickFilter list box.

To apply the Custom filter

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Filtering data
Click a cell in the data to filter.
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Filtering data QuickFilter.
Click the filter button on the column to filter, and click Custom.
Choose a phrase from the list box on the left.
Choose an item or type a value (letter or number) from the center list box.
If you want to specify more than one condition, choose either And or Or from the list box on the right, and specify another row of options.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Filtering data

You can specify up to three filter conditions.

To remove a filter

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Filtering data
Click the filter button in a column, and click Show all.

To remove the QuickFilter button

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Filtering data
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro  Filtering data QuickFilter.

To apply the Top 10 filter

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Filtering data
Click a cell in the data to filter.
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Filtering data QuickFilter.
Click the filter button on the column to filter, and click Top 10.
To specify either the top or bottom values or percentages, choose Top or Bottom from the list box on the left, and type a number in the center box.
Click one of the following from the list box on the right:
Value — displays a specific number of values
Percent — displays a percentage of the values

Filtering data