Sorting data

Sorting data lets you order multiple criteria based on sort keys within a sort selection. For example, you can sort data in ascending order.

Sorting data in ascending order organizes a selection in the following sequence:

values in numeric order
labels beginning with special characters in ASCII order
labels beginning with numbers in numeric order
labels beginning with letters in alphabetic order
blank cells

For example, if you sort data in an address book in ascending order using the sort key “LAST_NAME,” all last names display in alphabetic order, starting with “A.”

Up to five sort keys can be specified. Sorting begins with the first key; however, if there are two identical entries, Quattro Pro looks at the second key for those particular entries. If the first two fields are identical, the third key determines sort order, and so on.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro before after sort Sorting data

This example shows a list of names before and after you sort by LAST_NAME, in ascending order.

If you add the FIRST_NAME field as the second sort key, the Fernandez records would sort in this order:

Wordperfect Quattro Pro first last sort Sorting data

The results of sorting the same name list by LAST_NAME, and then by FIRST_NAME, in ascending order.

You can also sort data automatically, reverse previous sort settings, and preserve the original sort order so you don’t lose a particular organization of data.

Data added to a spreadsheet after sorting data is not displayed in the sorted order. To include the new data in the correct sort order, you must re-sort the data . Likewise, formulas that refer to cells outside of their row do not update when you re-sort data. If your sort selection contains formulas that reference cells outside the sort selection (for example, +A2), make them absolute (+$A$2) or convert them to their end values before sorting. For more information about making cell addresses absolute, see “Setting cell addresses.” For more information about converting formulas to values, see “To convert a formula to a value.”

To sort data

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Sorting data
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Sorting data Sort.
Click the Range picker Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnpoint Sorting data in the Cell box, and select the cells containing the data to sort.
If the data contains a heading row, enable the Selection contains a heading check box.
In the Top to bottom area, choose a sort key from the 1st list box.
If you want to change the sort options, click Options, and change the settings you want.
If you want to sort in ascending order, enable the Ascending check box.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Sorting data

By default, the data sorts by columns (top to bottom).

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Sorting data

You can also select a sort key option by double-clicking in the 1st list box in the Top to bottom area, and selecting cells with the Range picker. Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnpoint Sorting data

To sort data automatically

Wordperfect Quattro Pro  Sorting data otopproc.gif" alt="Back to Top" border="0" height="10" width="10">
Select the cells to sort.
Hold down Shift + Ctrl, and click the column to use as the first sort key.
If you want to use a second sort key, click that column next, and so on. You can specify up to five sort keys.
Click one of the Sort Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnssort Sorting data buttons on the toolbar.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Sorting data

The sort settings are saved until you select different ones.

To reuse previous sort settings

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Sorting data
Click Tools Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Sorting data Sort.
Choose a sort setting from the Previous sorts list box.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro note Sorting data

The Data sort dialog box retains up to five previous sort settings at a time. Previous sort settings are saved with the notebook.

To preserve the original sort order

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Sorting data
Insert an extra column in the sort area before sorting data.
Click Edit Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Sorting data Fill Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Sorting data Fill series.
Click the Range picker Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnpoint Sorting data in the Cells box, and select the cells in the new column to the end of the data set.

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Sorting data

You can restore the original sort order by clicking a cell in the new column and clicking the top (ascending) Sort Wordperfect Quattro Pro pgx btnssort Sorting data button.

Sorting data