Changing colors in the notebook palette

You can define your own colors in a color palette. You can save custom colors in the notebook palette. This palette gets saved with the notebook. If you customize the colors in the palette and want to delete the new colors, you can reset the palette to the default palette that comes with Quattro Pro.

The following table lists color values types and their descriptions.

Hue, luminosity, and saturationHues is the basic color: red, yellow, orange, or green, for example. Saturation is the amount of white mixed with the hue. Brightness is the amount of light energy present. When brightness is zero, no light is present, and the result is black for every hue and saturation value. by adjusting the saturation and brightness, you can easily control the amount of gray in a color.
Red, green, and blueYou mix different amounts of red, green, and blue to form all other colors.
Cyan, magenta and Yellow. You mix different amounts of these colors to form all other colors. Commercial printing houses often use this model to mix colors.

To define a new color for the notebook palette

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing colors in the notebook palette
Click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing colors in the notebook palette Notebook properties.
Click the NBPalette tab
Click a color on the Notebook palette.
Click Edit color.
In the Select color dialog box, move the slider in one or both of the following:
Circle color wheel — lets you choose lighter or darker settings, as well as different color sectors of the wheel
Vertical scale — lets you select lighter or darker settings with the selected area displayed in the color wheel

Wordperfect Quattro Pro tip Changing colors in the notebook palette

You can also define a new color by typing values in the Red, Green and Blue boxes in the Color values area of the Select color dialog box.

To reset the default palette

Wordperfect Quattro Pro btnbacktotopproc Changing colors in the notebook palette
Click Format Wordperfect Quattro Pro onestep Changing colors in the notebook palette Notebook properties.
Click the NBPalette tab.
Click Reset defaults.

Changing colors in the notebook palette